Tuesday, August 17, 2010

All Tied up in The Wireless Net.

Having accomplished the first goal I set out to achieve in setting up my blog, I am sitting in Borders sipping coffee, and able to write my blog wireless from somewhere other than my computer desk at home. This victory has not come without its defeats. Just today I failed to get my new laser mouse to work with my desktop computer, and had to temporarily buy a new wired one until I can figure out the problem. I also tried to set up a router so I could use my new laptop wirelessly at home, but it also has not connected for some reason; forcing me to still have to plug in my laptop at home. I did manage to get Norton 360.4 working on my old desktop this morning, (just in time to prevent the yearly meltdown when my annual subscription expires). I found, however, that I'd assumed wrongly about the new technology, and I'm not able to go wireless anywhere I wanted, without first paying $100.00 connection fee (plus a two year contract) as well as a $60.00 monthly fee to be able to buy the kind of technological freedom I was hoping for when I started this venture. A two year contract....sounded like a committment that I was unwilling to make. After all, why should I have to 'tie myself down' to a company for two years to get freedom of movement? Didn't sound so freeing to me afterall, but more like a new form of bondage. I said ''no thank you" to the clerk who was attempting to sell me these new chains, and left the store with my independence still somewhat intact. I headed to Borders quite defeated, to buy one of those "computers for dummies" books, hoping to drown my sorrows in a hazelnut coffee, while attempting to learn the answer to the many technological mysteries I'd encountered. You can therefore imagine my delight, when, upon approaching the store, I saw a large sign in the window offering free Wi-Fi to all customers!.... What a concept!! Thus, I sit here triumphantly sipping my coffee, dreaming of a day in the future when I can venture beyond the borders of 'Borders' to bring you my latest blog. In the meantime, the coffee is great, the store has some amazing books for dummies like myself on a variety of topics, and I'm able to get out of the house... I'm happy to celebrate any small victories I can manage in attempting to survive the current technological onslaught. If you are ever in Borders, come have a coffee with me, and let's swap war stories.....