Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Lazarus at our doorstep (Luke 16:20-21)

As the 'dust' of Haiti's earthquake news settles, (literally), I'm beginning to think more and more about what my own response should be, beyond sending money. Several have asked if I am 'going down to help'. Many of you know that I have long had a burden for the people of this impoverished island, and at one point tried very hard to go there to do mission work. Due to the constant civil unrest in Haiti, however, my denomination was never able to get things built up enough at their mission to take more than short term workers for one or two weeks at a time. It will be 20 years next year, since I believe God called me to serve this people. Having never learned how to do so long term on the island itself, I have prayed consistently for them, gone on several short terms mission trips, and helped the Haitian people I know who live in the USA. The news of the earthquake last week, rocked my world, as well as the country of Haiti. I am now 52, and lack the energy I once had. I am established in a job in America, with otherwise no visible means of support. I have no specific direction at this time, as to just who I'd work with. All the mission agencies I have looked up online are not yet sending in medical teams. Even the American Red Cross is not taking nursing volunteers who have not first gone to all their many disastor preparedness classes. All those things mean nothing ultimately if God wants me to go. However, having no clear direction at present, I wait. I have never been a 'first responder' kind of nurse, and do not kid myself that I could just throw myself into that chaos, and do well. So, at this time, I am waiting and seeking the Lord's guidance as to what He would have me to do. This disastor calls for a sustained response lasting years, and requiring the rebuilding of the entire infrastructure, and govt. of the country. It is a momumental task, requiring the generosity and skills of the entire world to accomplish. I do not have a 'savior complex'. I know there is little, ultimately that I could personally accomplish. However, I also believe that God Almighty allowed this disastor to take place because He had had enough of the misery that was Haiti. In 37 seconds last Tuesday, He brought down the entire corrupt government that has kept this people shacked in poverty for generations. To God alone be the Glory!! The world can no longer ignore the plight of this people, nor continue to stop its ears to her cries for help. She is our Lazurus, lying at the gate of our rich and prosperous house; up until now, content to be fed from the crumbs of our American table. (Luke 16: 20-21) Woe to us, if we do not rise up as a people, and welcome her in, bandage her wounds, feed and comfort her in her hour of greatest need. God expects more than our crumbs this time; He wants us to give our very selves to Him in this cause--to put ourselves, and our wealth, at His disposal so that He might once and for all answer the prayers of this nation---and redeem us from our national narcissm at the same time.
So, here I am Lord, if it be Your will, send me in your own good timing. I only ask that you make the way plain before me, and sustain me all along the way....

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joann,
    Just checking out your blog. I noticed in your 'complete profile' that it says your industry is 'architecture' and lists your zodiac 'sign'. Are you able to update those? I recognize Ruth Beechick's thoughts in your view of the stars/zodiac.

    Patty Marr
